Sunday, May 4, 2008

My New Chickens

fancy araucana

First, I want to tell you how many chickens I have. I have 31 chickens! Why I have 31 is because one died, because all the chicks can peck each other to death. They're really cute and they are getting very big, and some are growing new tails! Some of their tails are big.

Second, I'm going to tell you about the three Araucanas, like the one in the picture up there. They have grey feet, and so does the white chick. We think that white chick is going to be an Araucana, too.

mystery chicken

The rest of the chickens are yellow, and they are called Buff Orpingtons.

I like to see them run outside and fly around--they can fly a little bit, but not very much. But someday, when they get bigger, they will fly really high. They cannot even get out of the chicken yard, 'cause they can never even peck open the gate or ruin up the fence or fly through the bird netting on the top of the chicken yard.

We used to not recognize if the Buff Orpingtons were boys or girls. But now, we do. 'Cause the boys are growing the red combs on their heads, and wattles on the bottom of their beaks.

wee little cockerel giving me the stinkeye

This one is a rooster. But right now it's called a cockerel, because they're only going to be called roosters when they grow up really big.

I like taking care of the chickens, and I like holding them. They're really funny when they try to fight. When the roosters fight with other roosters, we call it a rooster-fight. But the hens never have a fight.

That's all I want to say.


Savvy Auntie Melanie Notkin said...

Those are some mighty fine chickens, sweetie. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

Auntie Melanie
(not your real Aunt. Mommy will explain.)

amy324 said...

Hi Bella! I'm so glad that you have gotten back to your blog. Your chicks are adorable. When I was your age I had 3 ducks and a rabbit, but no chickens. It looks like they are a lot of fun.

isabella said...

Thanks amy324! Anyway, they are pretty fun aren't they!? Well,Ihave to go now so, bye-bye!!!!!!

isabella said...

I don't think I know you Savvy Auntie Melanie Notkin!!!!!!??????