Friday, May 9, 2008

My Mommy And Daddy

Hello everybody. I just wanted to tell you about my Mommy and Daddy at the same time. First I want to tell you about my Daddy. He is very nice to me, and so is my Mama. Daddy gives me my vitamins every day and night. He makes me laugh sometimes, and he tickles me sometimes, too. And he can also carry me up to bed at night, 'cause he's very strong.

Come ON, Mommy!

Now I want to tell you about my Mommy. She is very nice to me, as I said when I was talking to you about my Daddy, and I love her very much, and I also love my Daddy very much. (Why I said that right now when I was talking to you about my Mommy is because I forgot to say it when I was talking about my Daddy.) She cooks dinner for Daddy and me, and she washes my hair every time I go to take a bath. She also helps me type on my blog, which she's doing for me right now! She helps me get dressed for school and she also fixes my hair every day.

In that picture, I am walking with my Daddy at Lowe's, and telling Mommy to COME ON with Daddy and me!


Rhi said...

Bella, what a sweet post about your mommy and daddy. They are very lucky to have such a sweet and thoughtful little lady in their lives!

Unknown said...

I think that you are a very special little girl to have a Mommy and a Daddy that care so much for you. I also think that you are growing up to fast.
